I grew up in the beautiful town of Pollachi till I was 10 before moving to Coimbatore. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science back in 2021. I was not sure of my decision at that time when I opted in for Computer Science after I was denied my first choice, Physics. However, thanks to my professors and their way of teaching programming languages (C, C++), I became interested in coding. Fast forward to 2024 - I am now a software developer with just over 3 years of total experience. I have a fair bit of experience working in Python, JavaScript, and Java professionally. I enjoyed working with Python and JavaScript and not with Java. I think I won’t be going back to Java anytime soon. Currently, I am on a break. Apart from my career, these are some of the topics I am interested in, with no specific order: test cricket, astronomy, football, history, and economics.
I am an optimist, and I believe we are living in one of the greatest times of humanity. We should/can use technology more in favor of the greater good of our species and our planet as a whole. I also believe in social equality and social justice. Of course, yes, in the vastness of the Universe and its existence, you, me, and our planet as a whole, nothing matters. But that does not mean that we should just let Bob kill Alice and walk away without any consequences.
If you’ve got something to talk, you can also reach out to me here [ananthuajju][at][famous_domain_starting_with_g]